
Implementasi Konsep Eco-Office di Kantor Pusat PT. Pertamina (Persero)


This study aims to apply the concept of environmentally friendly office or eco office by examining from the perspective of several supporting aspects in it such as Green Open Space, Materials Used, Energy Conservation, and Waste Management. This research uses descriptive qualitative method of sampling technique using purposive sampling technique of sampling data sources with certain considerations. Therefore, the researcher chose the Asset Operation Head Office and Healt Savety Environment informants. The data of this study were taken using participatory observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies and triangulation. Data analysis uses an interactive model using the stages of data reduction, data display and data conclusions. The results of this study conclude that: (1) Green Open Space (2) Materials used (3) Energy Conservation, (4) Waste Management.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan konsep kantor ramah lingkungan atau eco office dengan mengkaji dari sudut pandang beberapa aspek pendukung didalamnya seperti Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Bahan Material yang Digunakan, Konservasi Energi, dan Manajemen Limbah. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif teknik sampling menggunakan Purposive Sampling teknik pengambilan sampel sumber data dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memilih informan Asset Operation Head Office dan Healt Savety penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik observasi partisipasif, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dengan menggunakan tahapan reduksi data, display data dan conclusion (kesimpulan) data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) Ruang Terbuka Hijau (2) Bahan Material yang digunakan (3) Konservasi Energi, (4) Manajemen Limbah.

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Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek terhadap Ekuitas Merek Transmart Cilandak


The study aims to determine how much influence the brand awareness of brand equity in Transmart Cilandak. The study sample numbered 99 respondent from population numbered 12.706 people which is the number of one week study begins from 01 July 2019 until 07 July 2019. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. This study uses quantitative associative approach, and the method was description with correlation technique. After the nomal distriution of data and linear based test for normality and linearity test, followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on the calculation results obtained by linear regression of Y = 35,83 + 0,60X and ANOVA calculation results obtained Fhitung>Ftabel (-1,22>1,60). Hypothesis testing is done by calculating the product moment correlation and obtained thitung>ttabel (7,092>1,661), which means that Ho is rejected. Therefore, the results of this study conclued that there is a relationship between brad awareness with the brand equity. Then the researchers tested how much influence the brand equity and the results obtained are 34,10% means that the influence exerted by a enough strong mix of brand awareness and the remaining 65,90% influenced by otehr factors such as brand loyalty, brand association, perceived quality and brand assets.

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Implementasi Budaya 5R di Lembaga Pemerintah K Jakarta


This study aimed to determine the implementation of the 5R culture (Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, Rajin /simple, neat, clean, conscious, industrious) at a branch of government office at Jakarta, as a part of a Ministrial General Directorate. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data sources from 3 informants consisting of the a lower level manager and two staffs. The data collected by observation, interviews, analysis of documentation, and triangulation techniques.

The research concluded that 5R culture implemented by the actions of the principles of 5R at the job environment. The implementation stimulated the planned organizational target at work: efficiency, productivity, quality, and work safety. One R that did not implemented clearly is the discipline. Some staffs still came late to the office.

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Pengaruh Iklan terhadap Citra Merek Konsumen KFC Ciracas Jakarta Timur


This research aims to determine the effect of advertising to Brand Image on KFC Ciracas consumers, East Jakarta. The research used an associative quantitative research method. The population in this research were 5618 consumers. The sampling technique used was incidental sampling and the sample determined in this study amounted to 98 respondents using the Slovin formula. After the data are known to have the same characteristics and normal distribution based on the normality test, followed by analysis of variance (ANAVA). Based on the results of linear regression calculations obtained Ŷ = 19.91 + 0.67 (x) and the results of ANAVA calculations obtained Fcount < Ftable (0.655 < 1,63). The hypothesis testing was done by Pearson’s product moment correlation and obtained rxy= 0.606, which showed that there is a strong influence of advertising on Brand Image and in accordance with the interpretation criteria in the correlation coefficient interpretation table that is 0,600 – 0,799. Therefore, the study concluded that there was the effect of advertising to Brand Image on consumers of KFC Ciracas, East Jakarta.

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Penerapan Green Office di Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta III


This study aims to determine the Application of Green Office at the State Treasury Service Office Jakarta III. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. For the data source, a purposive sampling was chosen with the number of informants or resource persons as many as 3 (three) people consisting of the Head of General Subdivision, General Subdivision, General Subdivision. Data collection techniques were carried out at KPPN Jakarta III using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies, then cross-checked with source and technique triangulation. Then the data is analyzed by the analysis of Miles and Huberman’s method. From the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the implementation of KPPN Jakarta III green office includes the implementation of green office features of energy saving, water saving, sustainability of green office development. Green Office is about how to make a healthy, green and environmentally friendly office. If the office has realized an environmentally friendly office in work productivity can be created and the achievement of key target areas (1) energy saving features in lighting, (2) air quality in the office, (3) electricity saving features, (4) water saving, ( 5) Physical design of office buildings, (6) features of office material selection, (7) paper-saving features, (8) office waste management, (9) green work space. The results showed that the application of employees regarding the concept of green office was good enough, but there were still employees who did not understand the concept of green office.

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Implementasi Konsep Eco-Office di Kantor Pusat PT. Pertamina (Persero)


This study aims to apply the concept of environmentally friendly office or eco office by examining from the perspective of several supporting aspects in it such as Green Open Space, Materials Used, Energy Conservation, and Waste Management. This research uses descriptive qualitative method of sampling technique using purposive sampling technique of sampling data sources with certain considerations. Therefore, the researcher chose the Asset Operation Head Office and Healt Savety Environment informants. The data of this study were taken using participatory observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies and triangulation. Data analysis uses an interactive model using the stages of data reduction, data display and data conclusions. The results of this study conclude that: (1) Green Open Space (2) Materials used (3) Energy Conservation, (4) Waste Management.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan konsep kantor ramah lingkungan atau eco office dengan mengkaji dari sudut pandang beberapa aspek pendukung didalamnya seperti Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Bahan Material yang Digunakan, Konservasi Energi, dan Manajemen Limbah. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif teknik sampling menggunakan Purposive Sampling teknik pengambilan sampel sumber data dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memilih informan Asset Operation Head Office dan Healt Savety penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik observasi partisipasif, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dengan menggunakan tahapan reduksi data, display data dan conclusion (kesimpulan) data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) Ruang Terbuka Hijau (2) Bahan Material yang digunakan (3) Konservasi Energi, (4) Manajemen Limbah.

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Pengaruh Pengawasan Kinerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja di Biro Umum Badan Narkotika Nasional


The research intended to know the effects of performance supervision toward job productivity at General Bureau of National Narcotics Agency. The population of the research were all staffs at this section. The sample were 74 staffs acquired by disproportionate random sampling. The research used associative quantitative methods. After the data tested by normality test and homogeinity test, then the analysis of variances conducted. The result of linear regression showed that  and ANAVA calculation showed that Fcount < Ftable (1.62, < 1.80). The hypotesis tested by Pearson’s product moment corelation test and gained rxy = 0.600.  This mean that there was a significant effect of performance supervision toward job productivity as compared by coefficient correlation interpretation table. The research concluded that there was a significant effect of performance supervision toward job productivity.

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Model Pembelajaran System Layout Kantor berbasis Virtual Laboratory Penelitian Research & Development di Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UHAMKA


Office Layout System is a course at Bachelor Degree Program of Economics Education at Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. The students requested to understand and practice make office layout system manually. The researchers designed computer based virtual laboratory to assisst the student study the course. The research and development method used to test the effectivity of instruction by using virtual laboratory system that created by “Sweet Home 3D” software. The result showed that virtual laboratory instruction compared to two grades, as experiment model and control model at Economics Education study program students, at their third year. There was significant differences between the experiment class and control class, it mean that virtual laboratory based instruction of office layout course was effective.

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Pengaruh Pemasaran Humas terhadap Kesadaran Merek pada Produk Cimory di Cimory Dairy Shop Cawang


This study aimed to determine the effect of Public Relation Marketing to Brand Awareness of Cimory products at Cimory Dairy Shop Cawang. This research used associative quantitative research method. The research population of this study were 380 costumers and the sample were 79 respondents, chosen by incidental sampling technique. The data examined by normality test and homogenity test. Then, conducted the analysis of variance test (ANAVA) as prerequisites to next analysis. The results of linear regression calculations showed that ,36 + 0,53(X) and the calculation of ANAVA obtained Fcount < Ftable (0,2975 < 1, 74). The hypothesis testing was done by the Pearson’s product moment correlation to obtain . That showed the strong influence of Public Relation Marketing to Brand Awareness at Cawang based Cimory Dairy Shop. The value is compared to the criteria interpretations of correlation coefficient table interpretation as 0.600 – 0.799. Therefore, the study concluded that there was the influence of Public Relation Marketing to Brand Awareness of Cimory products at Cimory Dairy Shop Cawang.

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Hubungan Antara Profesionalisme Kerja Pegawai dengan Pelayanan Publik di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Jakarta Pasar Rebo


This study aimed to find the relationship between employee work professionalism with the public services. This research was conducted at Tax Office Pratama Jakarta PasarRebo, located on Jl. Raya Bogor No. 46, Kelurahan Rambutan, Ciracas District, East Jakarta. This study took as sample from 48 employees of the Tax Office Pratama Jakarta Pasar Rebo. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling technique with random term. This research used associative quantitative approach, with survey method with correlation technique. After the data passed on normality test and linearity test, the linear regression calculation counted.

The value of linear regression calculation of professionalism to public service was obtained Fobserved = 1.30 < Ftable = 1.99. Furthermore, the Pearson product moment correlation used to know the relationship between the two variables. it obtained 0.693 then continued t counting test with the level of significance obtained calculation 0.05 = 1.677. It turns out tobserved > ttable or 6,527>1,677, then Ho rejected, it means there was a significant relationship between professionalism with public service. So the determinant coefficient of 48.02%. This means that 48.02% of professionalism contributesd to public services, while 51.98% is determined by other variables or other factors not investigated. Thus in this study concluded there was a relationship between employee work professionalism with the public services of the employee of the Tax Office Pratama Jakarta Pasar Rebo.

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